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Standarta.io Review

Standarta.io claims to be a humanitarian project which has the solution to the current problems in the banking sector and also look after the proper distribution of wealth.

This service does not reveal the details of the persons responsible for running this site which is definitely an alarming factor bearing in the mind the fact that most of the scams operate in this manner.

To know whether it is worth risking your details for the free coins or not, go through our comprehensive review which will give you an honest perspective of this company.

Standarta.io - Scam Review

How does Standarta.io work ?

Standarta.io talks about the common problems of our current economy and the disadvantages of the present financial system. They have gone in detail about the difference of the purchasing power and how it is decreasing day by day because of the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.

Also along with their narration there are also a few statistics provided by them which goes over the details of CPI AKA Consumer Price Index and the radical change in the economy. According to them their coin can solve all the above stated problems and keep the uneven distribution of money in check.

The idea behind the currency is interesting but nevertheless unrealistic and astronomical to execute.

Idea without proper implementing is just a hypothesis and certainly not the one you want to drool about after spending your time and energy. The sole reason to justify spending time on their platform from our perspective is that it is free as of now.

Domain Whereabouts

From the information gathered from whois.com we know that this domain was registered on 01/12/2017 and it expires on 01/12/2018.

According to Alexa.com this website has a global rank of 166,908 and it ranks 51,344 in Russia. The regions where this service has earned noticeable traction are Russia, Nigeria, Mexico, Finland and Vietnam.

Standarta.io Review Conclusion

Whenever something is put up for free though there will always a catch behind them, many people try to chase the things. With regards to this platform remember that you are completing KYC policy in exchange for the coins so regardless of what happen whether the coin succeeds or not your personal data is at risk.

Standarta.io - Cartoon Images

Do you have any experience with Standarta.io? Share your opinion by leaving us a comment.

8 thoughts on “Standarta.io Review”

  1. Has anyone ever heard of “The Billion Coin TBC?”
    I think this one is no different.

    How on earth would anyone with his right senses give out his/her details to a team that chooses to remain anonymous?
    There is no point for kyc when the devs are unknown.

    in the crypto space of today, a coin aiming $1 at launch should have a considerable low supply below 100 MLN and if mass adoption is practically envisaged, 1 BLN coin can be seen as a probable scenario, and anything above that would be practically impossible except for very robust project with a well-known development team and practical use case.

    Anytime Russian and American scammers would roll out a new scheme like this, their major victims can be easily identified: (Nigeria, Vietnam {Philipines, }.) these victims embrace the scams out of ignorance only to advertise it to more victims.

    I hear you say 1 MLN users needed, hmm, “I’ve heard that before”
    They may be required to unlock their 11,000 tokens with a donation of $1
    (that’s how these agenda goes)

    Well, until then, “We’ll see how it goes”

  2. Je suis membre de Standarta.io je confirme que nous avons un soutien en direct sur telegram et tweeter. Nous avons la photo du fondateur sur le site que nous remercions. Tout est clairement expliqué sur la FAQ standarta.io et je suis heureux d en faire parti a aider Standarta a atteindre les 1 millions de membres. Quel serait l intérêt de Standarta de creer ce concept et dans quel but sachant que nous n avons pas versé un seul cent ?



  4. Oleg Serebrennikov

    I am the founder of Standarta.io and have to comment on this strange article.

    1) Legal.
    Standarta now holds pre-mining registration that DOES NOT imply live coin distribution and aims only to collect 1 mln members that allows Standarta reach about 11 bln USD in pre-market cap. Thus NO regulatory approval for this stage is required and your claim on missing approval is not correct and harmful for Standarta. Please remove it.

    2) Regulatory body.
    Standarta is backed by a Swiss company and Swiss regulatory body is not FCA/FTC but it is rather FINMA. Standarta contracted one of big five audit firms for legal assessment and will apprly for FINMA approval if required and when time comes. Please remove your statements on FCA/FTC.

    3) Support.
    Standarta provides support in its Telegram groups: English t.me/standarta_io, Spanish t.me/standarta_io_esp are moderated. Yes Standarta DO NOT collect payments for coins and thus is limited in providing support but your statement “no one to help you as this platform does not have a support team” is a false statement, please remove it.

    4) ICO as definition of what we do.
    You defined Standarta as ICO immediately sending the reader to a concept of offering and selling coins by some legal formation. But Standarta is a simple partnership of members and thus there is no certral link of communication as all members are equal BY LAW. There is Dotpay SA a swiss company that is backing the development and you can easily find tis contact information in trade register. Standarta holds FB and Twitter accounts, supports members in Telegram groups. Please remove your statement “Also there is no contact information, what kind of ICO will operate in such a vague manner ?”

    5) Satbilization of buying power.
    In the Annex to its WP Standarta explains how it is going to stabilaize the value of STD coin pegged to a constant purchasing power and if you guys did not find it please find and read and before you do please remove your statement “we do not see convincing enough reasons as to why this coin solves the problem”.

    6) Reward promissed.
    The Standarta concept is simple: to collect enouph members to hit top 5 crypto currencies in pre-market cap aiming to list the GCC coin for free trade after. That is why we aim to register 1 mln members to hit $11 bln in pre-market cap. The pre-market value for ICO is usually established by an ICO distribution price and so we came up with a Community Agreement on Standarta coin price that by meaning is replacing the ICO distribution price. Thus Standarta does not need any backing likewise regular ICO does not have such backing either. All coins go to exchange “as is” with no backing, with the aim ro get market traction becasue of trading parties. So please remove your statement “We do not know if the reward is reserved for only early adopters or is it available for all but if they promise to give everyone $11,000 we can say for sure that we are dealing with a scam as no one can afford to give away so much for free.”.

    7) Traffic.
    Standarta enforces mandatory KYC and thus only those who do not have criminal records can pass the check. Please remove or modify your statement “Anyone who has a steady stream of web traffic can be an affiliate for this firm regardless of what kind of traffic they are getting” because from this statement someone may derive the idea of criminals attracted by Standarta.

    8) Coins for personal ID.
    You can be scammed only if you give up something valuable and your review claims “I’m afraid this coin will just be a junk coin that I have to exchange with documents from my personal identity”. Standarta DOES NOT have acces to KYC photos of your ID and seflie with the ID because Standarta contracts independent KYC provider. Standarta only takes your email, telephone # and country of residence. So Standarta takes same information as you usually share with your smartphone manufacturer, social media or email service provider etc. Thus your statement on “exchange documents for coins” is a false statement and must be removed.

    9) Employees information.
    As explained above in #8 Standarta takes same information as your email service, or equipment manufacturer so do you require the latter providing you with the their employees? The answer is NO you do not cause it would be rediculous. Standarta’ founder identity is available online. Why you guys hide the founder information from your readers, why you say “firm” while it is simple partnership? Why you mislead your readers? Please remove “If this firm was truly legitimate then why are they not sharing the details of their employees ? ”

    10) Scam.
    Is Standarta does not take your identity information and does not take your money how can you be scammed?

    The Standarta is a terrific opportunity for many people and it is a pity that your unprofessional coverage of the Standarta activities can make people refrain from using one of the most remarkable opportunities provided by the development of blockchain technology.

    1. Thank you for the valuable insight. We’ve made the changes you requested, and pls let us know if there are any other changes you need. Also, feel free to send us a complete review of your service (via a comment is OK), which we will use to update this review further, or post a completely new one.

      And for any users of standarta.io who read this review, if you have any information about this service – positive or negative – pls feel free to comment and enlighten us.

  5. Este articulo carece de valor, es una opinión de quien lo escribe, ni está contrastado ni verificado, solo podemos hablar de estafa cuando nos cobran dinero por participar en algo y no es el caso, todo lo contrario, están haciendo un trato contigo: apoyame y yo (el creador de standarta y su banda de enmascarados) trabajaré el dinero para que crezca a interés compuesto, pero claro, quienes no saben lo que es el interés compuesto, no tienen ni idea ni sobre lo que dicen, es eso, la historia de siempre, medio mundo pretendiendo tener la razon sobre el otro medio y es por eso que no se puede incluir a standarta en el saco de los scams porque es el sueño de una persona o de una banda de cara al futuro, algo que asusta a la humanidad y como les asusta lo atacan, en vez de aprender un poquito de finanzas, siempre igual….Y por eso escuece su presentacion enmascarada, cuando las máscaras son simplemente un guiño al bitcoin, y un deseo de repetir su trayectoria. En los grupos de telegram la banda contesta y participa de los chats, de donde sacas que no sabemos quienes son? Por favor, explica mejor tu interés en valorar standarta, que eso es, seguro, más interesante. Gracias y saludos desde Madrid, España
    Firmado,. un miembro de standarta

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