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Crypto Trading Farm Review

Cryptotradingfarm.com - Scam Review
Crypto Trading Farm (CryptoTradingFarm.com) is an investment firm which claims to have a wide portfolio covering cryptocurrency exchange, trading, mining, forex, binary options, bonds, stock and commodities. They are based in the United States. Their platform is sleak and shows that they have spent a lot of time on designing their platform.

All the interesting things comes to an end after looking at the returns they promise which are more than 20% weekly. To the vast majority of the investors this number might seem easily achievable but rest assured no bank or hedge fund can generate these type of returns.

Just like we expected there is no details about any employees working for this firm. To know why we have deemed this platform as scam, continue reading our full review.

License and Support

All the hedge funds and pension funds are required to follow certain guidelines to qualify for the licenses issued by the authorities thereby giving them complete authorization. Crypto Trading Farm is an ICO wherein the entire scheme revolves around the clients money.

They issue contracts and take money from the investors for trading various assets. After the contract period ends clients are entitled to predetermined returns along with their initial starting deposit. This firm says that they have offices located in United Kingdom and United States.

When we checked if this alleged investment firm had the right to raise funds from the public, we as expected couldn’t find any legal documents. We have confirmed through both the regulatory bodies of UK and US i.e., FCA and FTC, this firm’s activity is not over seen by any one which makes them violators of law and they earned themselves a one way ticket to jail.

On their platform there are contract details of both the branches of the firm are put up but just because they run a office does not necessarily mean they are reliable or legitimate.

US Address – 765 St. Los Angeles, CA 90014, USA.

UK Address – 142 Black friars Road, London, SE1 8EQ, United Kingdom

Telephone – +1 (863) 216-6855

Email – support@cryptotradingfarm.com

How does Crypto Trading Farm works ?

There isn’t a drop of information on this matter. They boast of having the wide array of invest-able assets ever but without a proper strategy it can quickly backfire and burn the account down. Scams like this platform uses an effective trick wherein they feature various uncorrelated assets but the actual purpose of doing so is to capture every type of investors attention there by increasing their revenue.

Every asset class has it’s own set of conditions and the level of volatility. Since these criminals have failed to disclose the actual plan, the investors are kept in dark with regards to how their funds are getting utilized and allocated.
The clients have no idea about what set of indicators or chain of fundamental events are considered by this firm before entering into a trade. There is no guarantee of their win rate and their past trading history is not revealed which means there is no way to verify any thing these fraudsters promise.

Looking at the kind of attention they give to risk analysis and money management, we find it very hard to believe that they are involved in trading or mining.

Investment Plans and Returns

There is no denying the fact that it feels both exciting and enticing to earn money without doing any active work but earning 20% weekly consistently is nothing but a miracle. For an instance lets say this firm indeed has a group of best traders then also if they really deliver on their words then why are they offering it for free?

Here are the details of the trading plans:-


Initial Investment – $200

Returns – 12% Weekly

Validity – 30 Days

Referral Bonus – 2%


Initial Investment – $5,000

Returns – 15% Weekly

Validity – 60 Days

Referral Bonus – 4%


Initial Investment – $20,000

Returns – 20% Weekly

Validity – 90 Days

Referral Bonus – 6%


Initial Investment – $50,000

Returns – 25% Weekly

Validity – 150 Days

Referral Bonus – 8%

Mining Plans –


Cost – $1,000

Returns – 10% Weekly

Validity – 60 Days

Referral Bonus – 5%


Cost – $20,000

Returns – 20% Weekly

Validity – 120 Days

Referral Bonus – 10%

Referral Program

Every fake investment we have seen gives more importance to their promotional plans as they totally understand that the amount of revenue they make is dependent upon their ability to find more victims and trick them into signing up with their scheme.

This platform houses a referral program wherein they pay the online marketers or individuals who have access to any type of web traffic certain percentage of the revenue they bring in thereby creating a scenario which boosts their motivation. The affiliates are not required to hold an active deposit which means they make risk free income and all of them are getting paid by ripping off investors money.

Domain Insight

A search on similarweb.com reveals that this website has a global rank of 10,929,591 and it ranks 1,445,800 in the United Kingdom. They get 11% of the total traffic through social media outlets. According to whois.com this domain was registered on 01/03.2018 and it expires on 01/03/2019.

Is Crypto Trading Farm a Scam ?


After analyzing their platform thoroughly we can easily say that they are nothing more than a disastrous ponzi scheme. According to many monitoring sites AKA promoters in disguise this site is paying but there is always risk present and they might run away without paying anyone as and when they want.

They do not have any feature which can act like a confidence boosting factor and moreover the names of the fund managers are not put up. The kind of lack of transparency this firm seems to adore proves that they are only after your money and once they are in control of the funds, good luck getting them back.

Crypto Trading Farm Review Conclusion

The number of opportunities of making money through trading online are limitless but due to the amount of scams out there, it is troublesome for the investors to get started and find a trusted platform but the only thing we can suggest you is to move away from any offer which are unbelievable to say the least.

This firm is not involved in actual mining or any activity involving the markets even if they did, it is impossible to sustain the returns they advertise. They are operating without any proper licenses and cannot provide any evidence to justify their statements.

To conclude we can say that this filthy scam can only hurt you financially, the only question left unanswered is when.

Have you lost money to CryptoTradingFarm.com? We invite you to share your opinion by commenting below.

2 thoughts on “Crypto Trading Farm Review”

  1. I have been scammed by Cryptotrading farm. Once you pay the original £300 they then just try to get you to invest more. If you refuse then they place your investment on a downer and say if you don’t want to lose it you need to invest more. A real waste of money! They can allow to proceed the withdrawal but the ammount have to quite small, they only do it to convince you that you will be able to withdraw in the future….but it’s a total lie. Highly suggest – not to cooperate with Cryptotrading farm.

  2. Samar Pal Singh

    I have also lost money with Cryptotrading farm, one of investor inspired me to invest in this, I lost around $300 with this when I use withdraw my money every time they ask me for fee of $100 ,while I was sure they will not allow me to withdraw. They are completely froud. Initially they allow to widhraw very little amount but later don’t.

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